Welcome to the alumni portal for Downing College

Please enter your Username and Password below. If you do not have a User ID and Password, please register now. Thank you!

Our password requirements have been updated to help keep our site secure. Passwords must now be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least one numeric, one special character (such as $, #, %, *) and one lowercase letter or one uppercase letter. Passwords cannot contain your name(s), username or organisation name in any text direction. The good news is that your password will remain valid if you log in at least once per year! If you receive a prompt about an expired password, please click on the Password Reset link to reset your password by email.

Once you have submitted your updated password, please allow 15 minutes to elapse before trying to log in with your new password - it may take this long for the system to update itself! If you have trouble with the reset, please contact us at alumni.events@dow.cam.ac.uk.

New user registration
Forgotten password

Alumni & Development, Downing College, Cambridge CB2 1DQ. Telephone 01223 334850· Email development@dow.cam.ac.uk