Terms and Conditions
Refund Policy: Event Booking Charges
If you have paid a booking charge for an event and subsequently are unable to attend, please contact the Alumni and Development Office on 01223 334850 or by email at alumni.events@dow.cam.ac.uk . If you cancel before the closing date for bookings for the event, we will be happy to refund all of your payment except for a £5 administration charge.
Unfortunately, we cannot undertake to repay booking charges, if you cancel your registration after the closing date. If you wish to cancel your accommodation booking, no refund will be given after the closing date. Before this date, we will charge a £5 administration fee to amend or cancel your accommodation booking, unless it is part of an event package.
Online Transactions
Although the website uses encryption security software in areas where online payment details are accepted, the security of information and payments transmitted via the internet cannot be guaranteed. Any loss incurred or sustained by any user who transmits information by means of email or other internet links shall be borne solely and exclusively by such user and in no event shall any such loss in whole or part be borne by Downing College.
The website is intended to provide general information only and, as such, should not be regarded as a substitute for advice covering any specific situation.