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     Buy a Benchplate! 


Bench plates

As one of the final building works in First Court and Parker’s House, benches have been constructed on which students and visitors may sit and enjoy this exciting and attractive new space. Aluminium plates between the wooden planks of the benches will be engraved with the names of donors - as shown in the artist's impression above. Buying a benchplate is another way to support First Court and another opportunity for alumni to be part of the permanent fabric of the College.

Benchplate prices

Those who buy two benchplates for a one-off payment of £1800, or at the rate of £150 per month for 12 months, will be part of the 1800 Circle for the next year. Download an editable donation form here.

More benches in First Court

Alumni & Development, Downing College, Cambridge CB2 1DQ. Telephone 01223 334850· Email