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Segreants' Club Drinks Reception in London

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Hosted by the Segreants, this highly prestigious event at the Oriental Club in London is open to all, but will particularly appeal to those with an interest in rowing. Located in a convenient central London location, close to Bond Street and Oxford Circus, it will provide a great opportunity to catch up with friends, hear the latest from the Segreants' Committee, and meet some of the current rowers. 

The event will run from 19:00 - 21:00 with drinks and canapés being served. 

Tickets cost £35.00 per person and guests are welcome.

Limited special offer for Downing alumni under 35 years of age: £25.00 per person. Please note, this is a limited ticket offer on a first come, first served basis. Early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.

Additional donations are welcome and will subsidise student tickets.

Dress code:  Jacket/tie, elegantly casual. You may wear your Boat Club blazer if you wish. The Club’s dress code can be found here

Booking for this event closed on Monday 14 October. You must be logged in to the website to see the list of those signed up, below.


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You can join the Segreants' Club by signing up here.



List of those Already registered for the Segreants' London drinks reception 

Please note that only Downing College alumni will be shown below - guests are not listed here. Also, your name only appears when we've processed  your registration, so not immediately.

You can change the order to year of matriculation by clicking on the Matric. year heading.

Alumni & Development, Downing College, Cambridge CB2 1DQ. Telephone 01223 334850· Email development@dow.cam.ac.uk